
十大彩票平台校友受托人 Vacancy Announcement

The Springfield Technical Community 大学 校友 Trustee Nominating Committee is seeking nominations for the Elected 校友 representative to the college’s 校董会. The Elected 校友 Trustee must be an 十大彩票平台 graduate.

To learn more about Board of Trustee responsibilities, please visit the Massachusetts Department of Higher Education’s website.


Voting is open January 27- February 10 (closing February 10, 2023, at 12:00 p.m. EST) for 十大彩票平台 alumni to elect One (1) new member to the Springfield Technical Community 大学 校董会. Three candidates are endorsed by the Committee on 校友 Trustee Nominations: Laurie Weisse Martin, 詹姆斯Murawski, 劳拉·汤普金斯.

校友 will receive an email from 十大彩票平台 制度研究 department with "ALUMNI SURVEY: 十大彩票平台校友受托人 Election 2023-2024" in the subject line. Be sure to check your email to vote!

校友 Trustee Election Provision

15A section 21 of the Massachusetts General Laws "One member of such board of trustees shall be a full-time undergraduate student member from said institution, and ten members shall be appointed by the governor pursuant to the provisions of section eighteen B of chapter six, at least one of whom shall be an alumnus [sic] of said institution and one of whom shall be elected thereto by the alumni association of said institution. Each elected alumnus [sic] member shall be elected every five years. No elected alumnus [sic] member shall serve for more than two consecutive terms. A vacancy in the position of elected alumnus [sic] member prior to the expiration of a term shall be filled for the remainder of the term in the same manner as elections to full terms."

所有 nomination forms and corresponding documents must be submitted by 11:59 pm on January 13, 2023.  请联系博士. Shai Butler, Vice President of Advancement & 对外事务(slbutler@zqosn.net) 有问题吗?.